Blue Topaz New Features and Showcase

I am happy to tell you that Blue Topaz now supports the Style Settings plugin. In this post, I will briefly introduce the new features and show what we can get with Style Settings to better your Blue Topaz.

Until now, there are four parts for modification, as shown below. And more options will be added gradually.

It is easy to change the background images or just remove them. Moreover, you can set random images if you like.

If the background of the notes page does not satisfy you, you can also set images for the whole workplace.

If the blue color is not your cup of tea, you can choose other color schemes in Color option. Or you can adjust colors as you like.

For the Font part, perhaps there is not much to introduce. You can change the font family here.

In the Style option, it is available currently to change the styles of the list, folder, blockquote, and the exported PDF file.

The exported PDF file in dark mode when choosing ‘All Dark’ option

As you know, this is the default appearance of Blue Topaz.

It is also Blue Topaz, but green :stuck_out_tongue:

Or just a kind of Black and White Topaz

Or maybe a bit of rich color

I believe you will find what you like in Blue Topaz now

And it is also a place to post your settings if you want.

As mentioned above, more features will be added in the near future.

So, see you then.