"Back to Top" button

I too find the button disappearing sometime when scrolling down. But it would re-appear when scrolling further down. Maybe there’s some kind of css code conflict? But due to my very limited knowledge on css I’m really not sure.

As for the “unable to find section #^Top” situation, did you type the " ^Top" line on the page top? (remember leaving a space before “^”)


i am using this: [[#^Top|TOP]] adding a space before ^ does nothing, but i guess i am doing something wrong. using ^Top also doesn’t work

Just for double checking, I copy the following instruction directly from the comment section of the “BackToTop.css” file. May not be relevant to your case but won’t hurt anyway. As for me I use this function on a daily basis and it still working fine currently.

To use this function:
1. first put a " ^Top" as an anchor at the begining of the page (exclude the double quotation marks)
2. then put “[[#^Top|TOP]]” at the end of the page (exclude the double quotation marks)
** As for the " ^Top" anchor, remember there’s a space before “^” ("[space]^Top")


Thank you! there was not mention of " ^Top" anchor on top. now it works. Awesome !