Automatically update note's properties

I want to update note properties when an event happens.

For example, I want to track how many times I’ve modified a note over the last year, month, or week (counted daily). So, I need to set and update ‘mcounter’ and ‘mdates’ properties each time I make a change.

How can I accomplish it in Obsidian?

I can write simple JS code. I don’t know how to access Obsidian data and execute the code when I would like it to run.

I tried Dataview, Templatr and QuickAdd plugins. They cover a lot of my use cases. But, unless I miss sth, they won’t work in the case specified above.

Thank you in advance for any help.

I’m also looking for a possible way to do this with the linter plugin.
There is a way to dynamically update properties of child notes with the frontmatter-generator plugin, as seen in this thread

this can be done with a workaround: set up git and add to the note’s frontmatter the url of the note as it is in Github,

if you install the surfing plugin you can access the file url within obsidian as well and see the history of the file

there is a learning curve with git of course but if the script is not going to be done by anyone, it will have done something good in the meantime – for example, you’ll learn how to sync your notes…

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