Automatic labelling of internal links

Use case or problem

When I create an internal link to a specific header of a note, I would like that Obsidian automatically add the label of the header

[[Chapter 1#header 3]] > Obsidian automatically creates [[Chapter 1#header 3|header3]]

It also would be cool to be able to create internal link just by dragging a header into the note.

Thank you for considering my request.

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I love the idea, as sometimes I struggle with the same problem. Adding “|header” is just taking time, not a problem.

Would upgrade, if I may, request:

  • adding function in the Properties > Files and links … Internal link format
  • and than when creating, option to toggle between; [[Chapter 1#header 3]], [[Chapter 1#header 3|header3]] and custom.

Custom, you would define in Internal link format as “note: header” or “header (note)”, …

Cheers, Marko :nerd_face:

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