Autocorrect on Obsidian in Mac OS

Why does autocorrect not work in Mac OS?

The autocorrect feature works in the iOS apps, but not on Mac OS [15.2].

What I’m trying to do

Get the macOS autocorrect function to work within Obsidian on my Mac.

Things I have tried

Typing words that I know autocorrect in other apps on my Mac (e.g., Bear) and on iOS. They autocorrect in the other Mac apps and on my iPhone (including in the Obsidian app on iPhone). But they do not autocorrect on the Mac.

Why would Obsidian for iPhone support autocorrect but Obsidian for Mac OS would not? That makes no sense to me.

Because the mobile iOS app runs on top a safari core, the desktop app runs on top of chrome.

It’s a long-term annoyance, and you can add your support to the feature request here. You can read the thread there for more information.

Unfortunately, it’s an upstream bug that affects all Electron apps on macOS (Zettlr, Logseq, VS Code, etc.), not just Obsidian.