Anyone in digital marketing use Obsidian? How so/what aspects of your role do you use Obsidian for?

So I’ve only just found out about Obision today, and I’m at the “totally overwhelmed” stage that I think is pretty common for a lot of people.

I work in digital marketing, and create content and copy for my workplace (such at blogs, social content etc.) along with your typical marketing stuff.

Does anyone else here use Obsidian for their marketing needs and, if so, how do you leverage it? If you were to show me your notes right now what would be written down?


I am a digital marketer—more precisely, a brand journalist or content marketer. A kind of copywriter. I write articles and blog posts talking up the virtues of my employer’s products and services. I have a background in technology journalism, and switched to marketing in June 2020. I bring my journalism writing skills to bear on my current work.

I use Obsidian as a document management system. I am most comfortable writing in plain text and Markdown, which drew me to the application. I also store Microsoft Office documents, PDFs, and image files in the Obsidian folder structure. I use Microsoft OneDrive to store my Obsidian vault, because my company is a Microsoft Office shop.

Each project gets a folder, and an index page, where I keep an index of documents in that folder, along with brief descriptions of the document and the documents’ relationships to each other. These documents are often Office documents, particularly Word documents. The project I’m working on now has a half-dozen articles in a series—you might think of them as sub-projects. Each of those articles has its own index page.

Until recently, I did one to three projects at a time, but recently I was given broader project management responsibilities and I expect I’m going to have to start using Obsidian to track the status of a half dozen or a dozen projects that will be in different stages of research, writing, approval, and publication. I might use the DataView plug-in for that. I might use tags and embedded searches. I might just keep manual records, possibly in an Excel spreadsheet.

I don’t care how well-formatted or attractive my Obsidian documents are. I just want to be able to find the document or information I need.

I do meeting notes in daily notes. I still haven’t decided on the best way to cross-reference those with projects and tasks.

I don’t do a lot of Wikipedia style cross-linking, as discussed here. I don’t do atomic notes either. My Obsidian vault is not a PKM

Likewise, I don’t do much automation. I find cut-and-pasting to be an underrated technology!

Beware of relying on plug-ins. They could become abandoned or break at any moment. Weigh the risk of that against the benefit of using the plug-in in the moment.

One good thumb rule, which I think I read here, is to be more cautious about plug-ins that control the display of information then you are with plug-ins that control the creation of information. If a plug-in that controls the creation of information breaks, you can just go back to creating the information another way. But if you are reliant on a plug-in that controls the display of information, and that plug-in breaks, then you are out of luck…

My system is very much a work in progress. I started a new job Sept. 26, with different, more complicated responsibilities than the job I was at previously.

I use Microsoft To Do to track work tasks. I do not use Obsidian for task management.

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I am CMO at a tech company, and I find Obsidian crucial for my work. While we have mastered ClickUp for project management, I always needed a second brain, especially for keeping myself sane when thinking about all the context, synergies etc… This could also be “somewhat” done in ClickUp or Notion and so on, but I’ve found Obsidian being the best partner for this.

Right now, I use Obsidian for R&D, not project management.

I’ve shown Obsidian to my colleagues during our hackathon, and now, 4 of us use it. Recently we have synced a common vault with the product manager, and you “can not” imagine how well it works when you can fully understand the mental models of your colleagues, connect the ideas hidden between curtains etc. Simply wow.

I can only recommend using Obsidian.

BTW: We are using the wonderful Obsidian-git plugin currently maintained by Vinzent03 to sync our brains.

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I’m actually just starting to explore Obsidian for my own digital marketing work.

I am slowly moving much of my day to day to Obsidian. I currently use FoxPro (ask your grandparents :laughing:) Microsoft Word and Excell for writing, tracking and planning. I also use a paper planner and a huge wall calendar. Going totally Obsidian is out of the question.

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