Any good starting point for advanced Obsidian Publish best practices?


I am starting to use OP. I managed quite quickly to do the setup and connect it to a domain. No issue.

The official documentation is quite bare-bones. I know that some people are using specific CSS ou JS to make the site look/behave better. I also want to add a a newsletter subscription option and I think it’s possible, etc…

I see in this forum that there a a lot of discussions on specific topics / issues related to OP but Is there somewhere a good and synthetic starting point which explains ALL the advanced possibilities with OP ? CSS, JS, best practices, list of good examples, etc…

(Currently I am only interested with the “official” publish, not the alternative publishing plugins, I am trying to stay as “standard” as possible)…

Many thanks for any pointer !

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I found this so far → Getting started with Obsidian Publish in three steps. Simple but a good start…


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