AnuPpuccin Folder Color Overrides Not Working in iPhone

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install AnuPpuccin and activate
  2. Install Style Settings and activate
  3. Click on Style Settings
  4. Click on AnuPpuccin
  5. Click on Colors
  6. Click on Color Overrides
  7. Click on Dark theme box for Rosewood
  8. Paste in the hex for a color. In my example, it’s #85C1FF blue
  9. Go to Files and see if the first file is Rosewood or blue

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]


Expected result

First folder blue

Actual result

First folder stayed the same, default color


Additional information

Moved to help section.

Why help? Works on some fields, not others. See image. I believe this is a bug.

In the bug report template:

  • We only consider bugs that are reproducible in the sandbox vault or a vault with no third-party plugins/no css snippets/default theme.

Style Settings is probably fine here, so I’d check over on AnuPpuccin’s GitHub page for issues and report one if you don’t find anything.

Sorry to be so dense — non-techie. Are you saying I can’t report issues with community plugins or themes here? I think I followed all instructions. At any rate, Style Settings for AnuPpuccin is where the problem shows up. I will report through issues link you provided. Thanks for help and any other insights you can share.