Alias or replicant to show note in multiple folders - possible or not?

Hi folks,
I’m relatively new to Obsidian and certainly don’t master as much as I would like to…
In the back of my mind I always try to reflect the mirrored reality of files and folder structure, be it on windows or on macOS or any other OS.

I have read about Obsidian aliases but have not yet made use of them.

My question:
I’m looking into following through on Stefan Imhoff’s setup: he combines Obsidian and Devonthink on a file structure that is set up on Apple’s iCloud. (not sure if he uses Obsidian Sync)
Devonthink knows a feature of aliases and replicants. A replicant can be multiplied as much as you want and can be placed anywhere in “a” hierarchy to literally replicate a file.

Does Obsidian have a similar capability?
Why would I want to use that?
Suppose I have a folder of food and a folder of fruit;
Suppose I have a note “apples” that I would want to figure both in the folder of food and in the folder of fruit.
The “apples”- note would only exist a single time, but replicants can be used many times each time pointing to the same “apples”-note.

How would I go about to achieve this within Obsidian?

Thanks for helping out!

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I don’t know. I guess if you only used the file manager instead of links to navigate, and you didn’t use search, you might want it.

Here’s a reason not to do it: it will clutter your link autocompletion suggestions with duplicate files.

But if you really wanted to, you could make a note that embeds the original note (![[apple]]) or links to it ([[apple]]).

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Thanks for answering!
For the time being, I mostly use md links of type [link](url address of link). That probably being the reason that I barely use autocompletion, hence don’t see any inconvenience in that (yet).

I guess I’ll need to do some more learning first!

You can have autocompletion with Markdown links. If you turn off Settings > Files & Links > “Use Wikilinks”, you can type [[ for suggestions and the link will become Markdown when you’re done.

I find the autocompletion very useful.


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