Alfred/text replacement snippets

Steps to reproduce

When using Alfred’s snippet insertion, a snippet seems to be added as a new line in a document.

For example, if I am in a list context in markdown:

- My List

And I type my command to insert a snippet (for example, I have a simple snippet that inserts the time), the resulting text is:

- My list


Expected result

I expect the snippet to be inserted where my cursor is, not in a new line:

- My List
- 12:31

Actual result

- My list



  • Operating system: macOS 10.15.7
  • Obsidian version: 0.11.9

Additional information

I am gonna move this to help becuase it’s somethint that doesn’t relate to obsidian per se.

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Thanks for that! I will say the snippet insertion works throughout macOS in every program except Obsidian, so I’m not sure it doesn’t relate, but you’d know better (this is my first day with Obsidian).

have you searched the forum, we have other mac users maybe they can help?

I use quite a few Alfred snippets in Obsidian, and I have not experienced this issue. What are your triggers/settings? I have:

  • [ off] expand snippets mid-string
  • simulated key event speed [fastest]
  • Restore clipboard contents:
    • [on] after auto expansion
    • [off] after snippets viewer or keyword
    • restore after [0.5s]

I have some that use just prefix and some that use prefix and suffix, and I use the date & time snippets that come OOB in Alfred.

Can only upload images here, so I put a couple of the collections I use in a gist.

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I also use lots of Alfred snippets and I’m not experiencing this.

@typeoneerror have you tried it with multiple snippets? Could it be only happening with the time snippet for some reason?

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You’re totally right. I figured out this morning that I had “Rich text” instead of “Plain text” selected in that specific Alfred snippet and that was causing the bug.

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