Adding multiple related blocks from my daily note to a page, do I need to add the page link to each one?

What I’m trying to do

In my Daily Note, I want to add a bunch of related items and have them all link to a Page

Things I have tried

This is one way to do it but it is cumbersome.
Example Daily Note A:

  • Met with [[Guy]]
  • Spoke with [[Guy]] about a new project
  • Broke out for lunch with [[Guy]]
  • I will need to update documentation, after meeting [[Guy]]

What I prefer is indenting blocks and have them all show on [[Guy]] page like this:

  • Met with [[Guy]]
    • Spoke about a new project
    • Broke out for lunch
    • I will need to update documentation

Must I link each line or is there a proper way of doing?

What do you want to do with the information after you’ve written it?

If you want to split out every list into separate items, you’d need to have the link in each line. If you just want to use for display purposes, you’re free to just have that one link. So it all depends on what you want to do with the information you enter at a later stage.

If a daily note has one link to a page, it doesn’t really care (loosely speaking) if you’ve got any more links to the same page, AFAIK.

Ah, I see. Thank you, @holroy for explaining.

I was trying to see only the block with it’s indented bullets and not the entire Daily Note in the [[Guy]] page! But I guess you can’t in Obsidian.

I re-read your request, and I’m maybe misunderstanding, but if you want to query in the “Guy” for anything linking to it from a “random” daily note, that is indeed possible, but would require a link for each item you’d want.

Using Dataview this could look something like:

TABLE item.text
FROM [[]]
FLATTEN file.lists as item
WHERE contains(item.outlinks, [[]])

This would indeed show each line with the link, and you can’t expect any query to reformat it and move the link above the others, and restructure sentences.