Adding a math block decoration acts weird

I’m trying to create a simple Obsidian plugin that would display a preview when editing inline LaTeX equations in Live Preview mode: namely it should render a full math block beneath any inline equation editing field that currently contains the cursor within it.

I do so by creating a state field which on update() does the following: iterate over all nodes in the transaction’s state, and whenever a pair of matching formatting-math elements is found (begin and end), if they represent an inline equation (as opposed to a block equation), create a new Decoration.widget based on a WidgetType object with the math and block attributes set. The code can be found here: main.ts (GitHub link).

Admittedly, it sort of works, i.e. when the plugin is active and there are inline equations present in the currently opened note, I can move the cursor inside one of them and see the preview rendered beneath it, as in the screenshot:


However, it comes with a bunch of issues:

  1. The preview does not appear if there’s anything else on the line, besides the inline equation itself.
  2. When editing the contents of an inline equation, the cursor may jump a few characters backwards on each update (e.g. after each keypress), with no apparent pattern to it; using Backspace may remove more than one character, and the shift selection (Shift + arrows) does not work at all.
  3. The preview does not update dynamically while editing an inline equation. Only moving the cursor outside of it and then coming back updates the preview.
  4. Although I explicitly set the block attribute of the newly created WidgetType object to be true, the preview does not appear as a block equation preview: namely, it is not centered on the page and does not have any padding around it.
  5. The development console log outputs the following Uncaught TypeError’s when moving the cursor within an inline equation:
  • this.widget.toDOM is not a function
  • Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'dom')
  • Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getBoundingClientRect')

So there is totally something wrong with my code, but with the little knowledge I have of TypeScript and CodeMirror, I’m completely unable to even guess what might cause the issue. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download files from the GitHub Repository.
  2. Put them into a folder inside of the .obsidian/plugins directory.
  3. Run $ npm install ; npm run dev inside of that folder.
  4. Enable the “Aberone’s Sample Plugin” plugin in Obsidian settings.
  5. Write down an inline equation and try the aforementioned actions.

Alternatively, instead of copying all the files from my GitHub repository, you may download the Obsidian Sample Plugin and replace the contents of the original main.ts file with the contents of my plugin’s main.ts file.

Expected behavior (in pictures):

Picture 1 - Cursor outside an inline equation field:

Picture 2 - Cursor inside an inline equation field:

Sorry for not answering question, but I would like to let you know that the Latex Suite plugin already has a similar feature. It uses small popups instead of widgets though. Of course, it would be beneficial for us to have a simpler plugin dedicated specifically for this purpose.

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Thank you for your remark! I should mention that I have already solved the issue by now. I successfully use the newly-made plugin in my own vault, and I’m going to apply for it to be added to the Community Plugin Store as soon as I have time to polish it a little bit. Should I just add the link to the plugin to this thread when it’s done?