Add the "Temporary Mark" ("Date of creation / modification of the note file") to the metadata notes for use in the graph animation

I use Git to synchronize storage on several devices and faced a problem. Git does not save the time of creating / modifying files, for it this is uninteresting information, so for each synchronization from Git, all the note files in the repository change their date to the synchronization date (pull). Therefore, the possibility of normal chronological animation of the storage graph disappears, which just uses temporary markup file tags. Please add the ability to store the date of creation / modification of the note file directly in the metadata of the note to animate the graph precisely by this props (optional feature), or add the creation of such an opportunity at the level of user plugins.


Please follow the template for feature requests.

Use case or problem

I use Git to synchronize storage on several devices and faced a problem. Git does not save the time of creating / modifying files, for it this is uninteresting information, so for each synchronization from Git, all the note files in the repository change their date to the synchronization date (pull). Therefore, the possibility of normal chronological animation of the storage graph disappears, which just uses temporary markup file tags.

Proposed solution

Please add the ability to store the date of creation / modification of the note file directly in the metadata of the note to animate the graph precisely by this props (optional feature), or add the creation of such an opportunity at the level of user plugins.

Current workaround (optional)


Related feature requests (optional)
