Add text coloring and styles to WYSIWYG

Please add more text coloring options to WYSIWYG editor.

I want to use Obsidian to create my own English grammar notebook and having more options to distinguish text is essential for me. Only basic options such as here on forum, or such as Joplin has would dramatically limit the ability to use Obsidian for my purpose.

By writing this I want to emphasize that very basic features can determine whether a program can fulfill a certain purpose or not. Please, developers take it into consideration.

Cross-out feature, more text coloring and text background color options, upper index, strike-through, underline, etc. Whatever you add, someone will find it useful.

Actually, it would be nice to have such icons to color font as they are in for example LibreOffice Writer and with the same functionality. I believe it is a standard way of handling coloring text in many applications.

Also it would be nice to have plugins to create predefined, custom styles of formatting text, similar to text styles in MS Word and to create predefined, custom text separators, for example:
or whatever can be predefined. I imagine I could add an icon to editor with predefined style or separator.

I am perfectly aware that Obsidian is not a text editor, like MS Word or LO Writer but anyway, options to distinguish text can greatly enhance usability of the program.