Add counters/markers for headings and blocks that are referenced somewhere else

As this is related to the (inline) automatic update of backlinks (Automatic/inline update of links to headers and blocks when they are modified (no extra dialog window) - #62 by ces), this could solve 2 problems at once:

  • Auto update heading internal links without user interaction via modal window.
  • Counters/markers for heading/block references (as in LogSeq or Roam), like @monospace and others mentioned.

So, I just got told that this needs to be alive in order to be solved. Once again, devs are pointing to the half-baked solution (the modal window) as a “solution” (workaround, I’d say). Here’s the original conversation in Reddit:

Let’s make Obsidian linking system more robust! It’s about time.

P.S. We could reach a wider audience if we upvote this Reddit thread:

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