About dataview showing task flitered by section, header, link

Things I have tried

I have some md-files containing tasks like this:

# tagA   <--this is a header not a tag
- [ ] task1

# tagB
 - [ ] task2

dataview code like this, but nothing happend:

from path 
where contains(section,"tagA") 
sort file.name

i have tried listing tasks :

list file.tasks
from NEW.md

show this:

text: task1
line: 1
path: NEW.md
completed: false
fullyCompleted: false
real: true
link: NEW > tagA
section: NEW > tagA
header: NEW > tagA
annotated: false
created: 12:30 
text: task2
line: 4
path: NEW.md
completed: false
fullyCompleted: false
real: true
link: NEW > tagB
section: NEW > tagB
header: NEW > tagB
annotated: false
created: 12:30 

I have tried to do

How can I list tasks flited by “header” or “section” or “link”.

thank you !

I find !!
It’s meta !!
code like this is work

from path 
where contains(meta(section).subpath , "tagA") 
sort file.name