Ability to specify permalinks in frontmatter

i play with Publish but don’t use it for real because of the lack of permalinks.

any solution would be good (uuid or slug)

This has been implemented.


Thank you! I read the documentation and noticed this:

If someone visits a note using the original URL, they’ll be automatically redirected to the permalink.

Is it possible to develop this further so that users could also define other urls that will redirect to the note’s permalink url? Example:


# My note without a permalink

Url: https://publish.obsidian.md/username/MyNote

Rename MyNote.md to MyNote2.md and add a permalink:


permalink: 'note'
# My note
  • Url: https://publish.obsidian.md/username/note
  • Another url: https://publish.obsidian.md/username/MyNote2 redirects to https://publish.obsidian.md/username/note
  • My question is: Could there be a way to define that old url https://publish.obsidian.md/username/MyNote would also redirect to https://publish.obsidian.md/username/note ? Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Example solution:

permalink: 'note'
 - MyNote
# My note

This can be done using aliases.

permalink: note
alias: MyNote
# My note

Multiple nesting levels and other stuff also work:

permalink: note
alias: MyNote, path/to/MyNote, My Fancy Note/With a Twist
# My note

In this case, three URLs will be all redirected to /note:


Oh, nice! Thanks a lot! :sunglasses:

Just a note to myself: Aliases are case-sensitive, so in case of e.g. the MyNote alias, also the URL needs to contain MyNote instead of mynote. :slightly_smiling_face:

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