Ability to add multi-cursor with keyboard

Code Editor Shortcuts now supports:

  • Select next occurrence of current selection
  • Select all occurrences of current selection
  • Add cursors to line/selection ends

It’s not the original request that was made, but does address some of the other requests in this thread as well.


Thanks for the great plugin! No more going back and forth with VS Code.

Use case or problem

Right now, the only way to enable multi cursor is to use the mouse. In other IDEs, you can assign a hotkey to enable the multi-cursor on the selected lines.

Proposed solution

  • Add Enable Multi Cursor or some IDEs (Jetbrains) call it column mode
  • Add the ability to assign a hot key to turn on multi cursor for the highlighted lines

Current workaround

We have to use the keyboard + mouse to enable multicursor instead of just using the keyboard


The GitHub - SkepticMystic/advanced-cursors plugin is also another way to enable multi cursors on selected text, but it only does it if it matches patterns.


I fully support your request. Working a lot with Microsoft Visual Studio, I have the habit of pressing Ctrl + Alt + Down/Up to enter automatically in Column Selection Mode and edit multiple lines at once.
In Obsidian, it would make so much sense given its nature of using markdown writing stile. How many times do we need to add multiple checkboxes to an existing list, or to add hashtags, etc.

I’ll follow this up hoping they implement it soon. :wink:
Thanks for your post!

Is there still no multi cursor available?
Being able to move whole lines with alt, doing multi cursor with your keyboard and copying lines to the bottom or top are such essential markdown features, it’s really a shame they are missing from Obsidian :confused:

commands to add cursor below/above will be added in 1.5.2/1.5.3


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