So I guess, even if I have no idea about programming, I’ve tried it with ChatGPT and have come pretty far. Help would be greatly appreciated.
So what I’ve done is:
This is a plugin for Obsidian ( that uses Verovio – a fast, portable and lightweight open-source library for engraving Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) music scores (and also ABC and MusicXML) into SVG.
The plugin already has the following features:
- rendering MEI, ABC and MusicXML notation dynamically (working) from the Obsidian folder and URLs
- download button for the rendered SVG-FIle (visible by hovering the mouse over the renderd music)
- a settings menu to change the rendering options (working, though not sure if every option is working, espeically the font option)
And I would love to implement these as well (But I’m not a programmer and thus can’t get it to work right now)
- midi playback and note highlightingwith midi.js (as stated in the Verovio docs Playing the MIDI output | Reference book for Verovio). Start and Stop Buttons already in the code but without function.
- the possibility to just render a selection of bars (as stated here Score content selection | Reference book for Verovio)
- the possibility to render not just URLs but also direct code like the ABCJS plugin GitHub - abcjs-music/obsidian-plugin-abcjs: Plugin which renders music notations from code blocks
Cheers, and please be kind, as I basically don’t know what I’m doing. Thanks!
Maybe the guys from the lilypond and abc plugin might be interested in this as well?