A Request and Proposal for Multi-Word Tags

This continues to be the largest friction point to the extent that I’m wondering how difficult it would be to reimplement tags as a community plugin. It’s really a shame tags are arbitrarily limited to not accept a space character like so many other systems and apps do.


Hi! I am new here and trying to move from Bear to Obsidian. Have you found a way to convert Bear’s tags with spaces to Obsidians with ‘-’ symbol instead of space ’ '? Thanks!

Welcome to the forum.

You could rename the tags in Bear before exporting them.

Right click the tags in the left-hand panel and choose rename: every instance of the edited tag will be updated in all of your notes.

Or export out of Bear and then use Atom, VS Code, or similar to do a global search and replace on all files at once.



I also very much support the suggestion to allow spaces in tags. Yes, quite a few “workarounds” have been named. But for, let us say, “general people” who do not like to adapt their thinking to a tool, but, instead, believe that the tool is there for them, to support their way of thinking, and especially in the light of that Obsidian otherwise allows for so much flexibility, to allow this option would be great - and, I would say, natural. It is quite a difference for someone who loves language to see something like, for example, “Feeling great” and then “Feeling-great” or “Feeling/great”) etc. CamelCase might help a bit, but it is still far from the natural way of language which we all have been accustomed to since birth (“Feeling great”). Of course, one can have two separate tags, one “feeling” and one “great”, but, perhaps, one has that besides the tag “Feeling great” - and, also, when searching for that combination then, it requires a little bit more work. (Evernote has no problem with that.)
Please, be flexible here, too!

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Joined the Forum outright just to add my two coppers for multi-word tagging. All my tags from Evernote, Simplenote, and Notion had multi-word tags and now I’ve got a bunch of out-of-context tags that are all but useless, like “about,” “the,” and "in.

I tag like I work for Tumblr. Whole run-on sentences.


I agree. I add my +1

And the solution used by bear #is a nice soltion# I think I would love to have!