A Quick way to create Zotfile style links to PDFs in Zotero

Hey All,

I’m trying to generate simple links between Zotero and Obsidian, I’ve seen the really cool post in the show case about Zotfile → mdnotes → obsidian, but I am trying to limit my workflow’s reliance on highlights, so I want something like the many links the Extracted Annotations of Zotfile (looks something like - zotero://open-pdf/library/items/JWNMSPTP), but in a way that doesn’t require extracting any annotations. Ideally I’d just Ctrl-V on something in Zotero, and paste into Obsidian a link. Any tips on doing this? Thanks a lot.

Edit: So after digging through the documentation for Better BibTeX, I found something close to what I’m interested in.

Specifically - Citation keys :: Better BibTeX for Zotero

In particular, using BetterBibTex’s Quick Copy/drag-and-drop citations to ‘Zotero select link’ and then ‘using Zotero item key’. The problem is I want the export to go from:




and though I code, I don’t know Javascript so I can’t use the ‘eta script’ option.

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