A problem with handling html files

Hello everyone (it is my first post here)

I am trying to add web pages to my notes, I’ve tried to download pages as pdf and refer to them in my notes, but downloading long pages as pdf is not smooth. Now I am trying to download pages as a self-contained html file but when I drag and drop that file into my note it copies its contend instead of adding it to my note as a attachment. Maybe a plugin to choose what to do with html files could help. Any ideas for how I can handle this issue?

You could try to use <iframe>, but not all webpages will support it. Here’s an example:

<iframe src="https://www.wikipedia.org/" width="100%" height="500"/>

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But when I try it with src=“C:/test.html” or scr=“file:///C:/test.html” it shows nothing inside the frame.

Yes, that’s expected. You can’t embed local html files. Hopefully that will change in the future.

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