A Error about pictures

I would like to put the local image in the specified location but the usual method doesn’t seem to work
I just want to see if it works.
<img src="{% static 'pictures/wallhaven-pk3jj9.jpg' %}" style="height: 600px">
As you can see, there is a problem
Can anyone figure it out

We don’t support this, so I don’t consider this a bug.

Ok, so I have to use HTTP to get it.
I’m using the local as the server so I can get the local images.
By the way, I just want the picture to be where I want it to be, like in the upper left corner, so the overall note doesn’t get too long…
I wonder if you have any idea to deal with it? :rofl:

Ask in Help, or in the css channel on Discord. There are some hacks to position the pictures.