10 features I discovered in 2 months that could be added for convenience

hi obsidian

I wrote these notes over the course of 2 months,
as it was important for me
if anything, I apologize for the mistakes
thanks for your attention

1 add navigation on the graph so that you can create a point there and link it using buttons (+ create, - link, ) (right mouse button; select;, change color)

(implementation can be simply through automatic addition of links in text documents)

  • the ability to remove auto-sorting,
    that is, to set points on the graph yourself
    so that through photographic memory you can remember where everything is

2 pages in notes

otherwise scrolling down 10,000 characters is hardcore

I only have 2,000 characters in one note and it takes a long time to scroll

(adding pages is a necessity

make pages customizable
from how many characters a new page starts )

3 free sorting (no sorting), not by name and date. where you arrange everything as needed (in the column and in text)

4 add customizable backups

5 search in settings

6 add the ability to color letters in the desired color

7 backup saves

8 remove auto-sorting and arrange sections as you need

9 when dragging a folder or note, add the ability to scroll using the mouse wheel
because there may be a long chain and while you get to the desired folder it is long and you can miss

10 so that the buttons work - page up page down (I know that they work) and Home and End for quick movement up and down

if there are plugins that implement these requests, you can drop a link

Moved to help not following FR template

See Outline core plugin. You can place it to the right side bar:

Can you be more specific what do you mean? Sorting files in the file explorer? You can use bookmarks to create a custom view of items with custom names and custom sorting:

See your system backup solutions like Time Machine

See Settings search community plugin.

This is not part of markdown and you are supposed to use other software to get that feature. For example Google Docs can import and export markdown using clipboard so you can easily transition between Obsidian and Google Docs depending on whether you want to use colours and other special formatting.

See File recovery core plugin.

You can rearrange sections in the Outline by drag and dropping.

Obsidian scrolls the view implicitly and automatically when you place the cursor in top/bottom edge. Currently this behavior is not very smooth in the editing view.

See text navigation shortcuts on windows.

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You’re kind taking the time to respond to someone who it seems didn’t try to solve their own problems.

The big take away for anyone else is: most, if not all of your problems are not new and many problems can be solved by reading and trying to help yourself. Start by searching:

  1. On the help site (learn how to use the basics)
  2. On this forum
  3. In the community plugins
  4. On the discord.
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Regarding your item “2 pages in notes” (and maybe item 10 - I wasn’t clear what you meant here) you might want to check out plugin Page Scroll, which adds Up|Down|Top|Bottom arrows to notes … particularly useful on Obsidian Mobile.